The modern automatic film coverslipper Twister® offers high performance and reliable coverslipping with excellent results in optical quality. Up to 1,200 slides can be processed per hour. It particularly works very well for slides that are digitalized by using a slide scanner.The Twister® is quick and easy to use. It has a large, clear front for protection against contamination that also provides a good orientation about the process status and the remaining capacity (slides, xylene, coverfilm). Cutouts in the front enable the quick exchange of consumables and new slide baskets without interrupting the coverslipping process.
To get the perfect results, MEDITE recommends using the matching Twister® Coverfilm. This Coverfilm is made in Germany, specifically for use with the Twister® Coverslipper. It provides long-term stability thanks to its quickly effective adhesive strength.
Slides are processed at a speed of about 3 seconds. Each slide is automatically taken from the starter basket, carefully covered and then placed in the second basket for finished slides. When the basket is filled with covered slides, it is automatically dispensed into the output area below the operating area. The start basket is also automatically placed in the output area as soon as it is empty. A collection bottle that catches any excess xylene during the coverslipping process is placed in the output area as well.The Twister® is operated via an intuitive, easy-to-read menu. Various parameters, e.g. cutting length of the coverfilm are individually adjustable. The amount of xylene required can be regulated individually (even during the coverslipping process). The bright color touch display at the top in the middle of the device is easy to reach and operate at any time. It is protected by touch-sensitive glass and is xylene-resistant.
The standard model works with slide baskets with a capacity of 30 slides. Another model is available that can be used with baskets with a capacity of 20 slides. MEDITE slide baskets can be used directly with the Twister®. Adapters for other brands of slide baskets are available on request. The Twister® can be connected to an external ventilation system in the laboratory or used with the integrated carbon filter.